Tuesday 4 November 2008

(I was in) NEW YORK!!!

So it's been a week since I got back from NY, I've been a lazy cow (as usual), & I'm only just puttin' the photo's up now!! I only started taking photo's on my second day 'cos the battery was dead, here's what I managed to capture for the rest of the time.....

Breakfast! Pancakes for Ian, bagel pour moi
It's ok Ian, it's only me
nobody here to jack us!!

That's a man....
or Obama? They decide today- I know who I'd vote for

Is that fear I see/ smell?? (hehe) helicopter ride time!!

I like this photo
Here's B'hams brother bull...
& here's his balls- nice
Ground Zero

I know someone that looks like this..
Magnolia Bakery!! I ate all my cupcakes (4 to be exact)

NY nights

Dinner for $12- bargain!!

They like 'jack' over here


Halloween outfits...
here's mine- NOT!! Big bazooka's!!
Last day :(
Farewell NY!!

The End!!!